martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010



Being A Night Owl In High School Is Linked With Lower College GPA Summary

Research has proven that people that don’t sleep adequately tend to have lower GPA in the transition. The Associated professional sleep societies came up with this research project. The method of this project was that they checked GPAs of people who were in the transition from high school to college. They researched and concluded that evening types (someone who feels better doing their work later during the day) had a lower GPA than the morning types and the intermediate types. The article is very detailed on the results although they do not specify how they get these results; which schools do they use to get these conclusions. The true meaning of this article is to make the youth reflect and start doing their work earlier and that way get more time to sleep
Delayed School Start Time Associated With Improvements in
Adolescent Behaviors Summary
This research has concluded that students that start later in the day have more motivation to work. The people involved with this research project were Judith A. Owens, M.D., M.P.H of the Hasbro Children’s Hospital. The method of this research project was that they studied 201 students in grades 9 to 12. Class start time was delayed 30 min. The students were asked to complete a sleep habits survey before and after school time. Children with the 30 min delay had a more positive response to the survey, were more motivated. My opinion on this result is that surely a student truly appreciates some more time to sleep. Usually a student does not have enough time to sleep and feel unsatisfied with his/her sleeping time, any additional time given to him he will use it to motivate himself during the day.

Why Does Lack of Sleep Affect Us Differently? Study Hints It May Be in Our Genes

Research has shown that people can be affected by a gene to become narcoleptic. It also shows that people can develop narcolepsy but it is less likely. This research project was published by the print issue neurology but does not specify who were the ones involved with the research project. The method of this research project was that they got 92 healthy adults and 37 adults who have sleep disorders, the people who participated where only aloud to sleep 4 hours, both sides of participant had the same response to day activities. My opinion is that this research project does show curious characteristics of both sleep depraved people and healthy people.

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